Working with residential or holiday houses it is very important to create a cosy interior and a strong construction. We always seek to find. We al ways seek to find the best solutions for our clients in different parts of the world. Our buildings are safe and high quality because of carefully chosen production materials with amazing technical characteristics.
Today we would like you to tell about wind barrier material which is used in our buildings. We have chosen Hunton Windproof because it is perfect even for buildings, standing in extreme weateher locations.
Hunton Windproof is the market’s leading wind barrier, protecting homes from moisture, drafts and cold.
More facts about Hunton Windproof barrier:
Hunton Windproof has been the market’s leading wind barrier for more than 45 years;
Windproof absorbs moisture and prevents condensation;
Sd value of 0.2;
This wind barrier is easy to handle and easy to use;
It reduces cold bridges and has excellent insulating properties;
This wind barrier also provides bracing against wind;
Hunton Windproof has Norwegian Technical Approval from SINTEF Byggforsk and complies with building regulation requirements;
It is made from renewable raw materials;
Hunton Windproof is a safe choice.
Hunton Windproof is the market’s preferred wind barrier and a significant market leader in Norway. Ir is tested quality product with technical approval by SINTEF Byggforsk (the Norwegian Building Research Institute) and is designed to follow the building’s lifecycle.
Hunton Windproof absorbs and releases moisture (hygroscopic) as the humidity of the surrounding air changes. This is a very important property in locations where temperatures fluctuate (dew point) quickly, which can result in condensation on the inside of the wind barrier. Hunton Windtight solves this problem, because Hunton’s wind barrier has more than three times better absorption than sarking felt.
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